Mental Health


I am sure you are wondering what could possibly motivate someone to isolate themselves for several months on end whilst navigating some of the planet's harshest oceans aboard a 40 foot sailing vessel? Well, you have come to the right place for the answers!

Simply put, I have been preparing my entire life to do the Global Solo Challenge. From a young age I had an incredible mentor, my father, a 1964 Olympic Dragon-class sailor who introduced me to sailing and fostered my passion for it. He would take me on day races while I was an infant, so that may have provided a subconscious influence over my attraction to the sport. Over the years my passion grew and I have since accumulated over 80,000 miles of sailing experience, in everything from Bytes to Brigantines.

When not on the water, you can find me in the sky. I spent many years as a professional sky-diver and have made over 3,000 successful parachuting jumps; one of which earned me not one, but two Canadian sky-diving records. I have been a marine and aviation fanatic since I can remember and I love the idea of a challenge that really puts me out of my comfort zone. Some may consider me an adrenaline seeker and I will take it!

So why am I doing this?

I have chosen to sail in the Global Solo Challenge with the purpose of promoting good mental health and to raise awareness for mental health foundations, but my goals for this adventure are also very personal:

1) Complete the circumnavigation safely. That to me is a win. My father, who was also a Naval Officer and Fighter Pilot, always encouraged professionalism and safety over pushing oneself too far. 

2) Sail with vigour for my late sister, Julie. Despite always wanting to go sailing she had to stay behind on the dock due to terrible seasickness, so this one will be for her. ​

3) Enjoy the nautical exploration for my late brother-in-law, Ernie. He was a huge sports fan with the self-proclaimed blood of a Viking explorer. The adventurer in him would have loved to see me take on this challenge. 

The isolation I experienced during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and the loss of my father, brother-in-law, and sister compelled me to make my dream a reality and to use my voice by encouraging others to speak up and seek help when they need it the most. 

I welcome you to not only follow my journey as I tackle a solo, non-stop, unassisted circumnavigation of the globe by sail, but I also encourage you to consider supporting our purpose.

If, by doing this with the daily challenges I will face and share, I can inspire and help anyone tackling the very real challenges of mental health issues then I will have won – regardless of my position in the fleet.