Team Phoenix

Bill Macbrien


  • From my father, a career Navy Carrier Pilot and 1964 Olympic sailor in the Dragon Class who also navigated for Ted Hood. He also created a boat building company, making 40ft cruising boats. From a young age I sailed with him and was surrounded by yachts and sailing.

  • I have learned a huge respect for the sea and the weather and the importance of good planning and seamanship. At the age of 17 I was thrust into the Watch Officer position aboard a 72′ square-rigged Brigantine, learning about leadership whilst revelling in sailing a ship from the true age of sail.

    Problem solving is a key part of sailing. There is the right way and many wrong, slow ways. There is a constant process of learning involved in sailing, which is fascinating and stretching and challenging.

  • It suits my character – I am happy in my own company. More than that though, it is the complete challenge that it represents. However, it takes a dedicated support team to realise this challenge. The team element of this project is essential and hugely rewarding.

    I am very fortunate to have built a solid, talented team around me to take on the challenge of the GSC. The risk management of this challenge is like no other, but my skydiving career has equipped me well for this side of things.

  • Sailing solo around the world has been a lifelong dream and during the pandemic lockdown I had the opportunity to really apply myself to making it a reality. The loss of some close family members (non-Covid) also made me realise the fragility of life and how I needed to stop dreaming and start doing!

  • Train, train then train some more and become totally familiar with the boat and its range of systems. I have an extensive training programme planned, most of it with a highly experienced coach. I take over the boat in early May and it will be straight into an intense month of training. In June I plan to do my 2,000 mile solo qualifier, likely from A Coruna around The Azores and back. After that will be a period of yard time with the boat in France, Autumn will be more training and testing and then it will be back to A Coruna for the start! I plan to have sailed 5-10,000 miles before the start and know the boat and her systems like the back of my hand.

  • For me personally, I am not looking forward to the food. I have never heard anyone say anything good about any freeze-dried food!

    It will also be a challenge to keep the boat at high average speeds rather than pushing her to the limit all the time and risking gear failures.

  • My plan to purchase an Open50 did not work out. Things happen for a reason, which is not always clear at the time, but I am thrilled to have secured the charter of a highly optimised and strengthened Cat 0 compliant Akilaria RC1 Class40. As “Sec Hayai” the boat recently won the double-handed round the world race The Globe40. I am calling the boat “Phoenix” for my GSC. Fewer complex systems to learn and fewer complex systems to fail! New sails, rig servicing, new antifoul and a belts and braces approach to preparing her for the GSC is on the agenda. Reliability and redundancy with the systems are key components to getting around the world non-stop. So, in the end I believe I have the right machine for my GSC – it is all working out!

  • Phoenix Ocean Racing and I will be promoting the importance of good mental health. This subject is a true driver for myself, and each member of my team. There are few families unaffected by mental health issues.

    The partners we expect to secure for the project will also have a focus on good mental health and our messaging from the boat will relate to this.

    I hope to inspire others to care about the mental health of themselves and those around them by following my daily challenges and how I deal with them aboard “Phoenix”.

  • I raced at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club: lasers, sprites, Optimists. Some time in 8 metres, some time in Hobie Cats and finally lots of windsurfing. Multiple yacht deliveries for some years. Then skydiving took over and I became an instructor, a coach and won numerous Golds in the 8-man team division. I am a Canadian record holder x 2, with over 3,000 jumps (and safe landings) to my name.